


Rhodonite - Helps Keep Calm In Tense Situations

Rhodonite is the traveler's stone.

The word is derived from the Greek word Rhodon meaning rose. In antiquity, Rhodonite was given to travellers as a protective stone to ward and warn them off any imminent danger by causing heart beat to accelerate suddenly.

Rhodonite improves cardiac deficiencies at an early stage and tones up the respiratory tract and the lungs. It has a stimulating effect on sexuality. It strengthens the possessor’s immune system and protects against allergies. It also staves off primeval fears and phobias. Rhodonite is helpful in keeping a clear, calm mind in tense situations and coping with changing circumstances such as separations, new job, a move or a long journey. It is helpful during examinations and prevents mental blocks.

This stone symbolizes self-realization. It is known as the first aid stone and is recognized as a beneficial travel companion. Rhodonite protects against all kinds off anxieties.
Most effective on the heart and sacral chakra.

Rhodonite should be discharged every two weeks under running water and then recharged by being placed in the Sun for a few hours.

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